Energy Affecting Ecosystems

The definition of energy flow is the transfer of energy from the sun through a habitat area and is the sole source of organism survival. This energy flow enters the ecosystem as sunlight which works to produce the means of flora and faunas survival however this sunlight is gradually lost as heat back into the environment but it is this energy which flows through organism to organism and is the basis of the interaction and relationships within an ecosystem.

Habitats require sunlight for plants to photosynthesis and reproduce, once sunlight has entered the ecosystems via this process its converted into biomass by producers which eventually become consumed and create the bottom tier. 

Biomass is characterised as organic matter which is a physical organic material that stores energy via the mass that makes up flora and fauna survival which contributes to an organisms productivity which is the rate in which energy is stored. By understanding the productivity of each stage of the trophic levels we can visualise how well an organism survive and how well that species as a whole populates an environment. 

These tiers are known via trophic levels which refer to the position that organism occupies as part of a habitat the bottom level of which is our producers and autotrophs which is converted via solar energy into usable chemical energy via photosynthesis. The second trophic level is usually occupied by our primary consumers like herbivores who consume flora as a means of survival, each level of the pyramid goes up from their consisting of secondary, tertiary consumers onward.  

Photosynthesis is a process in which flora photosynthesise through nutrients gathered from the sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis is also the process in which gives plants their green pigmentation and helps organisms survive as they take in water ,carbon dioxide and minerals to expel oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds for organisms like omnivores to thrive on. 

This process transfer light into a chemical energy which allows plants to grow and reproduce creating species survival to generate the rest of the food chain, if photosynthesis didn't occur the organisms living in a habitat would cease to survive and there would soon be little food or organic matter on earth to survive off.    


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